Don't you all just love summer? I mean, who doesn't? Spending every day sitting by the pool, laying at the beach, or working to make money. Does it get any better than that? SpongeBob perfectly sums up the different stages of summer that we all go through!
1. Getting excited.
The last few weeks of school are absolutely dreadful! All you want is for school to be over, so you can finally spend your summer sitting by the pool, or laying at the beach!
2. When summer is finally here.
This is the best feeling because we can now be as lazy as we want, or work as much as possible to make some money!
3. We start staying up late.
Isn't it wonderful that we now have free range of how late we can stay up?
4. Doing fun stuff.
What better way to spend your summer than sitting by the pool or laying on the beach? Sounds like paradise to me!
5. Two weeks before school starts again.
That moment that you realize school starts in less than a month and your summer is basically over. Admit it, it's the most dreadful feeling.
6. The first day of school.
As always, all good things must come to an end. The feeling you get when you realize your summer is almost over is nothing compared to the feeling you get when your summer is completely over and school is starting back up. All you can do is pray that the next few months go by quickly so summer can come back again.
Unfortunately, summer will eventually end and school will start back up again. But that's okay because summer will come back in a few months, and we all will have something to look forward to all year! I, for one, think summer should be longer, but that's just me. Comment down below if you agree!