Ahhhh...finals season. A time of tears. A time of delusional laughs. A time of coffee shots. A time of other shots to take the edge off. A time of mourning. Sometimes a time of celebration.
As I gear up to take my finals I found myself going through many different emotions while studying the dreaded 8 letter word: CHEMISTRY.
To say I'm horrible at understanding electrons, heat, orbitals et cetera, et cetera is an understatement. SO here are the five stages I went through while studying for my Chem final, according to Gilmore Girls.
(prayers are much appreciated).
1. Motivation
It's okay that I failed the two midterms. It's a new dawn. It's a new day. It's a new liiiiife for me and my chemistry relationship. Let's do this.
2. Utter Confusion
Wait wait wait WAIT; when did we learn this again? HOW do I solve this? What the heck is this variable used for? Where is my coffee? Where is my dignity?
3. Defeat and Hunger
You know what, eff this. I'm never going to learn this. Not even John Green's brother who does the chemistry Crash Course videos can help me. I'm doomed. All I want is a bowl of Cincinnati Skyline chili, some ice cream, a movie and my mom. Mom...mom...where are you?
4. Tears. Lots and lots of tears.
Accepting the L on the exam and trying to move on with my life...one saltwater tear drop at a time.
5. Realizing it will all be over soon
A wave of happiness rushing over my dark soul reminding me that it will all be over so so soon. No more orbital drawings. No more lewis structures. No more Calorimetry problems...until Orgo next year.
So, to all my fellow gen chem takers this semester. Solidarity sister (or brother). You can do this and you will make Ernest Rutherford proud.