As the year of 2015 comes to an end, everyone has one thing on their mind – what their New Year’s resolution is going to be. Many people have one important resolution while others have multiple listed on many pages. Resolutions can be goals for people that can ultimately better oneself along with checking things off a bucket list they may have for the new year. However, many resolutions are all talk. Let a month pass by into the new year and see how many people stick to their resolutions.
Here are the stages of a New Year’s resolution:
1. You think to yourself about all the possible resolutions you can fulfill within in the new year.
2. Asking people what their resolutions are in order to get ideas from them.
3. You realize you have too many or too little resolutions.
4. Until the new year, all you do is think about your resolutions.
5. The new year is finally here. All you want to do is begin to start checking things off your resolution list and make it a habit throughout the year.
6. You tell yourself how easy it is going to be to keep up these goals for a whole year.
7. You keep telling yourself that you can do it.
8. You have completed your resolutions for about a month now...
9. ....and then you think that you have done enough so all great things must come to an end.
Do not get me wrong, many people stick to their New Year's resolutions and do a great job with keeping them for the whole year. However, I personally know that these resolutions are something that I look forward to each and every year and I stick to them only for a short amount of time. People want to come up with resolutions that will make them a better and happier person for the new year.
Think of resolutions that you can stick to, make yoruself a better person, and be the best you can be!
Happy new year!