We all strive to be healthier in some sort of way (at least we like to think so). So I thought I'd go out of my comfort zone and try out Pressed Juicery's juice cleanse. I was very optimistic and wanted to do their three-day cleanse. After being convinced by my mom, I decided to start off slow and go with the one day cleanse. I decided to go with the cleanse that was supposed to be the most beneficial, but that of course meant, it would be the worst tasting. But what's the worst that could happen? Let me walk you through what happened.
Note: The one day cleanse consists of 6 juices, numbered (make sure you ask for the stickers if you don't know the order yourself) in the order you're supposed to drink them and should be consumed every 2 hours.
Stage 1: Excitement
I woke up ready to start my new healthy life as a juice cleanse person. I was pumped and ready to at least pretend to enjoy the first drink. I made sure it was as cold as possible without freezing, thinking that the colder it is, the better it would taste. I got through the first sip and it wasn't all that terrible y'all. I have this in the bag.
Stage 2: Denial
Ok so this isn't great but it could be worse, I think. Maybe if I just chug this it won't be so bad.
Stage 3: Reality
Ok this isn't the easiest thing to just chug like a frat boy. Maybe if I put it over ice it'll help with the taste, still believing it could possibly be colder.
Stage 4: Struggling and cranky
I've only made it about ¼ of the way through, and I keep making a face every time I take a sip. 1/4 isn't bad, I just have to do the same thing I've been doing 3 more times, that's nothing. Ha-ha who am I kidding there's no way I can even take another sip. Maybe I just need a few minutes, yeah I can wait a few minutes, I'm not even hungry.
Stage 5: Defeat
Eventually, after about 30 minutes, I had to come to terms with myself that this wasn't going to be for me. Something about the sheer dirt taste of the juice is probably what threw me off. I felt like I was drinking ginger infused grass and I wasn't about it. I'm also convinced that y'all are lying when you talk about how great this is. But who knows, maybe you do genuinely enjoy it.
I'm sure juice cleanses can be great to some extent and there are so many different brands to choose from. I thought they were a great idea, you could pack in all these veggies and fruits and nutrients and all you had to do was drink a bottle of juice. During my hour of hardly cleansing all I was thinking is that I would rather eat however many celery sticks were in this juice along with every other ingredient, so long as it wasn't in juice form. You don't have to be cleansing every other week to be healthy and happy. Happy juicing!! (Or not juicing.)