A mixture of angry and hunger.
A term that means a person is hungry and the more hungry they get the angrier they become.
First off you realize that you could go for some food. A nice apple might tie you over until your next meal, but the feeling is there. Maybe a quick trip to the fridge could find you something, but you think you can wait.
After a little time passes you realize that you are very hungry at this point. You should probably get some food in your asap, but still you decide to wait. Although all your thoughts are on food at this point, and you would be totally blissed out if someone gave you something to eat.
Once this stage passes, the anger usually kicks in. You would honestly be willing to step on a small puppy for a dollar. The hunger pains have basically gone away, but the anger is in full force. Your inner voice is nothing but bad words and the image of you punching walls.
At this point someone has realized that maybe you need to get something to eat. You've probably try to attack someone, and that isn't a good thing. People are fearing for their lives and trying to find you some food like yesterday.
Finally someone is gracious enough to bring you food. You take that first bite and you are running through fields. No bad word ever escapes your mouth. You are the purest person on the world. You can feel all the negative energy leave your body. Life is good. Life is great!
Unfortunately, in a few hours you will be back to where you started and in need of a snack. The unfortunate consequence of the vicious cycle of being hangry.
So to anyone that has witnessed me hangry, I am so very sorry. I can't help it. I just need to be constantly eating. It's a problem I will admit. Feed me more often and maybe we won't have problems!