It's the most tragic thing to happen to today's television lovers: finishing your Netflix binge series. Starting the last episode of the show you have dedicated your life to for the past months, weeks and maybe even merely days is a truly brutal thing to do. It's that bittersweet moment of feeling accomplished, but also having to let go of something you have grown to love.You've spent time getting to know the characters, their backstories, and everything in between. And whether it's been two seasons or 10, it's always hard to let go. Here are the variety of emotions we all have after ending our binge show in accordance to the stages of loss.
Denial and Isolation - “But it can't be over!!!"
Our first reaction is always the most intense. Your eyes have been glued to your computer for hours and somehow now it is all over in the blink of the credits. How could this be? You quickly scroll back into your 'Previously Watched' and double check to find that it is in fact true: you have finished all 10 seasons of Friends in two weeks. You're in a state of pure denial and realized that your Netflix obsession has isolated yourself from reality.
Anger - “The ending wasn't even that good!"
As reality sets in, so does the pain and anger associated with a sudden lack of entertainment. You were not ready for everything to come to an end so suddenly; now with this built up emotion, you begin to project it on others. You slam your laptop shut, snap at your roommate, binge eat a Chipotle burrito bowl and Tweet endlessly about the show.
Bargaining (Hopelessness) - "If only there was another season."
The guilt of your anger starts to sink in and you begin to contemplate all the ways you could have still been watching the show. Whether it's thinking of ways the show's plot could have continued or even attempting to re-watch your favorite episodes just brings back memories, it's simply not the same. It's obviously too soon to even start a new show -- seriously, we all know no one can hit the rebound that quickly.
Sadness - "It's really over."
Your true emotions come to the surface after you realize that life is more than simply clicking to the next episode. You realize that in YOUR life, there are no crazy plot twists, cliffhangers and wild love triangles. All that's left to do is to exit out of the Netflix tab. It's unfortunately time to dive back into the “real world," get out of bed, shower and go back to the responsibilities that fill your everyday life.
Acceptance - "Selecting a new show."
You have finally accepted that all good things come to an end and that you are in control of your future Netflix happiness. Selecting a new show is the last and most difficult step to moving on. However, there are ways for you to get help. Ask friends for suggestions or just browse and see what Netflix suggests for you. After all, by this point, Netflix must know you best.
In the end, no matter when you finish your Netflix show or how you cope, finishing your binge show is something that can really make or break your week. Fear not, Netflix lovers, there are thousands of TV shows to obsess over, so your suffering shouldn't last too long.