1. Denial
You can totally control yourself around dairy. Like you don’t even really like ice cream anymore, and cheese is soooo fattening so it’s good that you’re lactose intolerant, right?!
2. Anger
THIS SUCKS. Your friends invite you to ice-cream you have to decline because they don’t have dairy-free options, and PIZZA. I mean, its pizza, and I’m expected to not eat it because I’m “intolerant to dairy”?? I mean come on, how unrealistic. WHY DOES MY BODY HATE ME! And when I feel any sort of emotion what do I do? Binge on chocolate AND I CAN’T EVEN DO THAT.
3. Bargaining
Ok, so eating one piece of chocolate isn’t gonna kill you, plus you ate, like, a salad today so that balances it out right?
F*** it, all you want right now is this slice of pizza, so you may as well eat 5 slices! And while you're at it, let’s throw in a pint of ice cream for good measure. You know what? Make that a milkshake... WITH WHOLE MILK.
5. Regret
6. Acceptance
You know what, you aren't dying and the world isn't ending. While this is all very unfortunate, you can get through this! Plus, there are so many ways around it! There are dairy-free ice creams and vegan cheeses, and the miracle called Lactaid (insert heart emoji). Also, there are truly benefits to staying away from dairy! Clearer skin and no congestion! So let's scream NO ice cream!