Stages Unconfirmed for Smash Bros. Ultimate | The Odyssey Online
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9 Stages I want to See in 'Super Smash bros. Ultimate'

Who wouldn't want the Hanenbow stage to come back?

9 Stages I want to See in 'Super Smash bros. Ultimate'

"Super Smash Brothers Ultimate" is set to enter onto the Nintendo Switch's library on Dec. 7. With it brings every character that has appeared since its inception, as well as some stages from past games. However, what are some beloved stages that might not be making the cut? Here are some locations that I want to see brought over to Smash Ultimate that are currently unconfirmed:

1. Hanenbow (from Super Smash Bros. Brawl)


I wasn't kidding in the subheading. I think this stage was pretty unique––its constant tilting platforms, its quite erratic nature of gameplay, and even its obscure nomenclature––these are the things that make this stage stand out, at least to me. Electroplankton on the Nintendo DS was a cool game, too.

2. Mushroom Kingdom (from Super Smash Bros. 64)

Source: supersmashbros.wikia,com

This stage is a crazy throwback to the days of playing Super Mario on the NES. While remaining mostly flat, the stage does provide some ledges to jump onto, as well as a neat pulley system in the middle. I'm sure that pit has killed a lot of people back in its day.

3. Fountain of Dreams (from Super Smash Bros. Melee)


WE NEED THIS STAGE BACK. I'm sorry, but if Sakurai plans on putting in every character back into Smash, then the least he can do is sneak in this classic stage that I know everyone loves. From its soothing music to its atmospheric background and graphics, this stage is what everyone wants to see return.

4. Pac-Maze (from Super Smash Bros. 4 for Nintendo 3DS)


This was quite a unique stage when released in the very first portable version of Smash Bros. Representing the newcomer that was Pac-Man, this stage featured the classic pellets and ghosts found in, well, the Pac-Man games. Not only that, but the stage has a neat color-changing mechanic with its platforms, which I thought warranted a spot on this list.

5. Jungle Hijinx (from Super Smash Bros. 4 for Nintendo Wii U)


I'm surprised that this stage hasn't been confirmed yet. Jungle Hijinx had this crazy unique feature where you could jump between the foreground and the background through barrels. The fight would continue regardless, but it made for great gameplay. Not to mention that this stage would look downright gorgeous.

6. Wooly World (from Super Smash Bros. 4 for Nintendo Wii U)


Yoshi's Wooly World was quite a special game when it came out on the Nintendo Wii U during its quaint lifetime. It was no surprise that its presence would be made through Smash Bros. with a stage. This stage was a pretty cool one, as it transformed constantly while playing and showed off its neat crochet and yarn aesthetic.

7. Delfino Plaza (from Super Smash Bros. Brawl)


Delfino Plaza offers a return to the sunny and water-filled island that I believe all Smash Bros. players deserve to experience. This iconic place has been referenced all throughout Mario's history and even in his latest game, Super Mario Odyssey. I don't see any reason why this stage wouldn't make it back onto the roster.

8. Mute City (from Super Smash Bros. Melee)


Any current Nintendo fan will tell you that F-Zero––the series where this stage resides from––is sadly dead. Nintendo hasn't released a game in the F-Zero series since 2004, almost three console generations ago (by the way, adding his tracks into Mario Kart 8 do not count, Nintendo). This stage is all that we have to remember the series by, so I believe that it should have a cemented spot in this fighting frenzy.

9. Peach’s Castle (from Super Smash Bros. 64)


I have to admit, I wouldn't be mad if this stage didn't make it into Ultimate. But at the same time, it's purely a classic and reminds us to what we've been through with the Super Smash Bros. series. We could always return to Peach's Castle for some nice tea and slice of cake.

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