Summer is the time a lot of college students go home, reunite with old friends, spend time with family, work and maybe take a trip or two. It is definitely a time of mixed feelings. Some students are thrilled to be heading home and getting some much needed rest and relaxation, while others will miss their friends and the college lifestyle a lot over their summer break. Regardless, many students face mixed feelings on summer break at some point. So, here are the stages of going home for the summer according to Justin Bieber.
First, you realize how quickly the year went by. It seems like just yesterday that you were moving in and now you are moving all of your stuff out to go home for the summer! Where has the time gone?
And you get sad thinking that you may not see some of your school friends until your return in September and how much you are going to miss all of them. It is hard to believe you have to leave each other for four months.
And then you begin to realize how much useless junk you brought with you to school even though you claimed you needed it and would use every single item. This makes the move-out process that much more difficult then it already was.
And after you finally fit all of your things in one car (or two, maybe even three) you're finally on your way to summer! Next you text some of your friends from home to make plans but then realize that they won't be home for a while so you'll have no one to hang out with.
You finally get home and you're so excited to start your summer adventures!
But you also quickly realize by it being summer, that means bikini season is upon us and you should probably use some of that excessive free time at the gym.
But then you remember you're flawless just the way you are and could do more productive things with your time then spending it indoors at the gym.
So you decide to take up a new hobby or two! Some people re-decorate their room or learn to cook, but Justin Bieber likes to sit in trees, so just follow your interests.
And your mom starts to get annoyed that you haven't done anything really productive with your time off, like working, finding a job, volunteering or helping out around the house.
At first you're annoyed, but you realize she's right and you have done nothing all summer so far.
So, you just look forward to the days ahead of tearing it up back at school with your squad!