As a broke college student, it always feels amazing when you get money. Weather it's a paycheck from a job or a birthday card from mom, getting money saves every college student from being hungry. But, we don't usually spend our money that wisely. These are the stages of getting money in college.
Stage One: Payday
You've just got money, and you feel like the richest person alive. You run around feeling excited about what you're going to buy. You think of all the clothes or games or jewelry you can buy with your new money.
Stage Two: Reality
You then realize that you can't buy those new shoes that you want. You have to buy groceries, or you have to pay back some of your loan. You become sad and realize how little money you actually have.
Stage Three: Memory Lapse
But one day, you and your friends go out. And you see a really awesome shirt. But what's a shirt without pants? Oh, and you wanted to get a gift for your friend. Suddenly, you forget all of the responsibilities that plagued you just a few days ago.
Stage Four: Regret
Oh. That's right. You had bills to pay, and you still don't have any groceries. But you have a nice shirt? That cost $32....
Stage Five: Broke
You're back to square one. A broke college student hoping for your mom to send you money. That way you can go through all of this again.