It's that time of year again. Oh, what a wonderful time of the year, am I right? WRONG!! It’s when students are cramming for the 600-word vocabulary test, writing a ten-page essay on the Holocaust or studying for that AP Human Geography exam.If only we had the ability to find out who has been torturing you for the past seven years while still maintaining a 4.0 GPA like Spencer Hastings... You know Spencer Hastings, right? Rosewood’s very own Sherlock and most studious liar from the Pretty Little Liars. Who better to tell about the dreading finals week than someone who attended Georgetown University?
Stage One: Avoiding the Topic
“Have I started studying for finals? Of course not! There’s still like two more whole days before I even wanna think about studying. BRB need to go watch 13 Reasons Why for the fourth time on Netflix.”
Stage Two: Anger
So now it’s a week before the finals.This is when you realize that you should actually be studying.But, why study when instead you can complain about why finals are a thing and why the world is out to get you. Yay for procrastination :)
Stage Three: The night before
Also was known as the Cramming Stage. This is when you are angry at yourself and you know you are about to pull an all-nighter. YOU JUST WANT A PASSING GRADE. Even five cups of coffee won’t help you out here.
Stage Four: Acceptance
Honestly, you just give up at this point. You just accept the fact that you are probably going to fail and there’s probably nothing to do about it anymore.
Stage Five: PFSD( Post Finals Stress Disorder)
The most stressful thing ever is the stress AFTER the exam. You go back through all your notes and textbooks to see if you got the right or wrong answers.
Stage Six: FREEDOM
Possibly the best feeling ever! Finally, you’ve gotten over all the stress and headache.Now go frolic like a little butterfly in the meadow.
So these are the stages we know all students go through.Whether you’ve yet to take your finals or you are going to take them in the near future, GOOD LUCK! You got this!