New England is an interesting place to live. It's home to two of the greatest cities in the country, Boston and New York City. We've got the best chowder and seafood. We're the only people who know what real coffee milk is. There are many reasons to love this part of the country. However, people who have never lived here don't know how weird our weather is sometimes. It's unpredictability makes living in New England just a tad annoying.
As we are on the cusp of spring, I thought it might be best to explain the stages of spring in New England for the people who don't know what it's like to live in uncertainty for months.
1. Groundhog Day
Picture this: it's February, you've just endured a cold and gloomy January, and you are now relying on an animal to give you even an ounce of hope. You know that Punxsutawny Phil's shadow doesn't actually determine how fast or slowly spring will be coming, but you still find yourself rejoicing when Phil doesn't see his shadow. Even if he does see his shadow, you still find comfort knowing that spring is on it's way at all.
2. The First "Nice" Day
After a tough winter, even just 40 degrees lifts every New Englander's spirits. If the sun is out and we don't feel like we have to cover every inch of our skin to be warm, everyone is saying the same thing: "What a nice day today!" It's not great, not fantastic, but it sure is nice. There may have been frost on our windows that morning, but no matter -- the ability to trade our heavy winter coats for lighter jackets in the afternoon makes up for it.
3. An Undecided Mother Nature
After a day like that, you might expect the weather to gradually become nicer and nicer as the days go by. Sadly, that is not what happens. It's more as if Mother Nature is sitting on the fence between winter and spring and she keeps leaning back and forth from one side to the other. This is a period of on and off "nice" weather. You could have a really nice weekend where you take the dog for a walk, sit outside on your porch for no reason, and break out the sunglasses you haven't worn since the summer. But then Monday comes and it's back to scraping ice off of your car.
4. Spring Equinox
Spring is here! It's here for real this time! Scientists said it, right? There's no going back now! Or is there...
5. Post-winter winter
What's that? The meteorologist is saying that we're going to get a snowstorm this weekend? But I thought we were in spring already? You're telling me that we're getting snow in spring?
Yes, yes we are, because this is New England, where seasons don't mean anything.
6. Spring tease
Finally, we've gotten past the worst of it and we're on to sunnier days! The birds are chirping, the grass is looking healthier, the trees are getting greener, and everyone is generally happier. There's nothing like a comfortable 65 degrees to get us out of the confusing back and forth we'd endured for so long.
7. BOOM! It's summer.
And just like that, spring is over. After a couple weeks of comfortable weather, it's time for the most uncomfortable weather of the year again.
As I'm writing this it is Saturday March 19, and there is talk on the news of snow coming our way Sunday night into Monday morning. Sunday is supposed to be the day of the spring equinox, so this puts us in New England in a strange position. Are we in Stage 4: Spring Equinox or Stage 5: Post-winter winter? Will we ever get to enjoy a normal spring? It is these questions that plague New Englanders in these troubling times.