For many people, music is a form of expression, or a way to escape from reality for a bit. It is like a universal language that has the power to bring people together, or make people feel emotions they didn’t even know they could. Music is simply beautiful, all of it.
I believe that everyone experiences music in a different way, and has their own way of listening to it. The same song sounds or means something different to each individual, which just blows my mind. However, there are some general steps that I have noticed people go through when they begin listening to a new song.
1. Hear new song
You may hear a song on Pandora, on the radio, or while randomly clicking through YouTube videos. Whether it be the lyrics, the beat or the good vibes it gives you, you know that you definitely want to hear the song again.
2. Google the small snippet of lyrics that you remember
So maybe you forget to screenshot the song or ask Siri the title of the track. You have to go off of your memory and look up the few words that you remember from the lyrics. If you know the name of the artist, you’re generally in luck. This process may take some time and be frustrating, but you are on a personal mission to find that song!
3. YouTube the song
Hopefully you finally find what you have been looking for. It may take a few tries, and you may stumble upon some weird YouTube videos that you want to push to the back of your brain, but you eventually find the song, and it is so worth it!
4. Listen to the song at least 20 times a day for a week or two.
This is the stage where some people really differ. I personally hear a song that I like and listen to it for a good week straight. It gets to the point that I have to turn my volume down because I know my roommates are probably tired of hearing me play the same song over and over, but they just don’t understand the process. Some people call it obsessing, I prefer to call it appreciating.
5. Venture out and listen to other songs by the same artist.
If you are feeling brave, you may decide to listen to other songs by the same artist(s). This can be hit or miss, but at the very least you know you like one of their songs!
6. Repeat
It never fails that once you get tired of obsessing over a song, there will be another one to take its place. This is just the natural order of things.
Whatever musical journey you find yourself on, I think it is important to embrace your preferences and style. Sure, some people may think it’s weird that you listen to the same song on repeat for a week or so, but music is all about freedom and expression. As long as you are listening to songs that inspire you and make you feel better than you did before you heard them, you’re doing it right.