Ahhh, Elliot Stabler, the character that SVU fans love, hate and relate to all in one piece. While many gorgeous detectives have walked in and out of the SVU squad room, none have been quite so lovable as Stabler. And, let's be honest, the Benson/Stabler duo was UNBEATABLE!
Here are just a few of many, many reasons why we want Stabler back. (And yes, Chris Meloni being dreamy is totally a viable reason!)
2. His partnership with Benson
GiphyPlease, as if every SVU fan ever didn't totally ship Elliot and Olivia over Elliot and his actual wife.
3. He was fighting to get the creeps off the street
GiphyNO ONE hated these criminals more than Stabler, and no one would work harder to get them off the street and behind bars.
4. His dedication
GiphyGoing hand in hand with number three is this one. He was so dedicated to the job — he took a few bullets during his time at SVU and even went undercover in dangerous situations!
5. His inability to hide his feelings
GiphyYou always knew exactly what Stabler was thinking and feeling, and to be honest, that was pretty A-OK in the SVU. Or, at least it was A-OK for viewers!
7. He's a great friend
GiphyHe was always there for his squad members — even when they had creative differences. Now, they just get in trouble and nearly die because there's no Stabler to the rescue!
Need I say more? As great as all these other detectives are, they'll never beat Stabler! He can take some getting used to, but once he captures your heart, there's no going back. Trust me.