It may be St. Patrick's Day, but it sure doesn't feel like it. A day usually spent out celebrating with friends has been overshadowed by the very real threat of coronavirus and the necessary precautions that go with it. Even Dublin, Ireland has canceled its usual festivities.
But just because you're stuck at home does NOT mean you can't have a good time. Though alcohol can't fix this scary situation we're in right now, it can certainly help distract you. So we've put together a drinking game that everyone sitting at home can relate to.
Take a sip when...
1. A coronavirus meme makes you laugh.
2. You finish an episode of something.
3. You start a new episode of something.
4. You check Instagram but there are no new posts.
5. You wash your hands.
6. You touch your face.
7. Someone FaceTimes you.
8. Someone texts you to ask how your quarantine is going.
9. You eat a snack even though you're not hungry.
10. You find yourself cleaning just to pass the time.
Take a big gulp when...
1. Netflix asks you if you're still watching.
2. You read something about COVID-19 on the internet that scares you.
3. Another celebrity announces that they tested positive for coronavirus.
4. Something you were looking forward to gets canceled.
5. You finish a roll of toilet paper.
Finish your drink when...
Someone you're quarantined with sneezes or coughs.