***Disclaimer: SUNY Oneonta does NOT promote binge-drinking and/or underage drinking.
What is St. Oney’s Day?
Created in 2012, when their spring break was going to overlap with St. Patrick’s Day, St. Oney’s day was created for college students to celebrate the Irish holiday. Overall, it’s a simple day-drinking and bar-hopping holiday. This year’s St. Oney’s Day is on Saturday, March 18th.
What should you expect?
1. Drinking
Especially day-drinking and bar- and/or party-hopping.
2. Green
People are trying to “get their Irish on.” They even sell shirts at Red Dragon Outfitters (which is located at Hunt College Union on campus).
What will you need?
1. Water
And lots of it. When you drink, you become dehydrated, which is what causes that hangover in the morning. So when you drink make sure to balance it out with plenty of water.
2. Sleep
Make sure you get a good night’s sleep the night before. It’s going to be a long day, whether or not you plan to drink.
3. A healthy breakfast
Make sure you have food in your system, and the healthier the breakfast the more energy you will have to get through the long day ahead of you.
4. Your outfit planned in advance
March is that awkward month where it’s 60-degrees and sunny one day then -2-degrees and snowy the next, so make sure to keep an eye on the weather to help you with your outfit (and possible back-ups for any surprise weather changes). Be sure to include green in it!
5. Your friends
Make sure you have a solid group of friends that you will stick with the entire time. You want to make sure that you are safe and that your friends are safe. Don’t travel along, especially at night.