How to know you're in a squad, as told by the cast of "New Girl."
1. You've seen each other in some form of undress.
And it's not weird. You guys are just that comfortable with each other... or one of your squad members just doesn't care and always walks around in a towel.
2. You all can be 100 percent weird with each other.
Everyone is their weirdest self with each other, no pretense. You've seen your squad members do some of the weirdest things, but you love them anyways.
3. You all have each other's back.
You guys are always there to comfort each other. Whether it was a bad test or a terrible heartbreak, your squad is quick to hug it out.
4. You all have "squad" dance moves.
You know every person's specific "move" on the dance floor. Double points if you and your squad have a specific squad dance move. Triple points if it's choreographed.
5. You can make fun of each other.
Your squad is not a real squad unless at least one person gets made fun of at each squad gathering. It's like the rule.
6. You guys can communicate with just looks.
You don't even have to speak to know what your squad is thinking. A simple look at each other an communicate everything.
7. You know each other's crush.
You know who they are crushing on and who they'd date in a heartbeat. Double squad points if you've been part of some elaborate scheme to get someone's crush to talk to them.
8. The laughter never stops.
Your abs hurt every time you're together and the laughter never stops.
9. You're forever accompanying somebody somewhere random.
Whether someone has to go to Food Lion or has to go check their mail, you're forever going with someone to go somewhere random.
10. You've gone through lots of "OMG" moments.
You and your squad have experienced some "OH CRAP" moments together. Whether someone in your squad caused them or you all were merely there, these experiences have bonded you together.
Now, tag your squad and go tell them how much you love them!