Springfield College.
From the moment I stepped foot on campus my junior year of high school, I knew there was something special about it. It automatically became my number one choice for schools. I knew it was expensive, but I'd do anything and everything to go there. When the dream finally became a reality, I was beaming with pride on college T-shirt day. I was the only senior from my high school attending Springfield College that fall.
Now, I know you're probably thinking, "what about a college campus could make it so magical? Scenic, maybe; nice people, sure, but why 'magical'?" Well, let me just tell you, once you step foot on the college's grounds, you'll never be the same. Students and faculty that you've never met before in your life will smile at you, say "hello," hold the door for you, and answer any questions you have. I've been to quite a few college campuses that lacked all four of those things; things that may seem small, but actually make a world of a difference when you're an incoming freshman.
Not only are the people kind, something that's hard to find these days, but the philosophy of Springfield College is one that speaks for itself. We are inspired by "humanics" - an approach that educates the whole person in spirit, mind and body - for leadership in service to others. To those who do not attend Springfield College, this probably means nothing to you, and for that I feel deeply sorry. You will not find another community of young adults that are so willing to come together and devote their time to those who are in need like the Springfield College community. Faculty, students and alumni are active participants in providing leadership and service to as many people as possible, both on and off-campus.
The campus is beautiful, the people are wonderful; I'm not even close to being done bragging. At Springfield College, there are many opportunities students and faculty can get involved with. No matter who you are, odds are you will find something on campus that you're passionate about. Along with community service, we offer a wide range of varsity, intramural and club team sports at competitive levels, an amazing academic success center with students and faculty that will bust their own backs to make sure you succeed, a counseling center filled with the most compassionate counsellors you'll ever meet, a resource and support office on multicultural and diversity issues, student government association, environmental club, dance club, singing club, acting club, art club, NSO, pre-camp, CAB, LTC, alternative spring break trips, best of broadway, spiritual life....the list (literally) goes on and on. No matter who you are or where you're from (cue Backstreet Boys), I can guarantee that you will find a club or organization on campus that you will fall in love with.
Like I said, I could go on and on for hours, but I would rather you just experience it for yourself. One more thing I'd like to brag about before I send you off is New Student Orientation (NSO), a program I mentioned earlier. Now, I have to say I'm a little biased about this one because I'm an NSO leader, however it's one of many things I am very passionate about, not only on-campus, but in my everyday life. Most college orientations are filled with boring lectures about school policy - LAME. Springfield College's orientation obviously takes time to review school policy, however it focuses on allowing new students to become accustomed to each other and to the campus. I won't give anything away, however I will say that I have never been more connected with anyone on a deeper level than I have been during my time here because of NSO. I never thought I'd be able to connect with anyone the way I have with people in this program, let alone connecting to anyone at all that I've only known for a few days. Springfield College is my safe place, my happy place. It all started during orientation weekend, in which I truly felt at home.
Luckily for you, I'm done now. Maybe someday I'll write a book about how magical Springfield College is because it would be way too easy. Again, if you don't go to Springfield College or have never visited, then you probably have no idea what I'm talking about and you probably don't even really care. If you have, however, then you know. You read this article and smiled, reading between the lines including all of your personal experiences throughout my description.
This article may not appeal to you whether you go to Springfield College or not, however I write about things I am passionate about and Springfield College is most definitely one of them and always will be. I hope you all find it as magical as I do.