It becomes bittersweet when the spring semester comes around. You are happy that the school year is almost over, yet stressed with all the things that spring semester brings. Here are some of the things I find most stressful. Some might not think that a few of them are that stressful, but everyone stresses over different things.
1. Running out of meal plan money.
The end of the semester is nearing, but so is the end of my meal plan. The struggle is real when you can only spend $2 a day on food and you still have three weeks left.
2. Living in a dorm without an air conditioner.
This year of living in a dorm without AC has been hell.
3. It being so nice out but you are stuck sitting in class.
4. Making plans on the weekend.
This may not seem like a big deal to some people, but for others, they spend a lot of time on what they are going to do for the weekend. Guys try to scrape up the money to get their 30 rack of Natty for the weekend, and girls have to plan a "hot" outfit.
5. Scheduling.
Scheduling is always a fun time of the year. Trying to get in the classes you need and the times that work best for you, making sure you do not schedule one to early.
6. Studying for finals.
Good luck! Just good luck with everything during finals week, good luck with getting a spot in the library, good luck getting a proper amount of sleep, good luck with your social life.
7. Preparing to leave your friends.
The end of the year is supposed to bring happiness. Classes are ending, and summer is almost here. However, it also brings sadness, you have to say goodbye to all of the friends you will not get to see until next semester.
8. Running out of school supplies.
It was around week 10 that I found myself running out of school supplies. I found myself taking notes on the back of random pieces of paper I would find in my book bag.
9. Not having any money.
Not having any money; most college students can relate. Especially those of us who don't have a job. Having to call home to mom and dad asking for beer money can be quite an awkward phone call.