We all know the struggles that spring semester can bring. I'll let Liz Lemon and her coworkers shed some light on what these are specifically.
Seeing high school seniors on tours
Getting a grade back on any essay/test ever
Choosing classes for the next Semester
Looking at how many weeks are left
Looking outside at the good weather during class
"Do you have any questions?"
Looking at your planner after Spring Break
Needing to take a break from your responsibilities
Hoping the final will be curved
Having to hype yourself up every morning
Looking at next years projected tuition costs
Having to find housing/roommates
Not following through on the promises you made to yourself after Fall Semester (like eating better)
Having to comfort your friends while also needing to be comforted
Even though Spring Semester has it's fair share of problems, we can all be thankful that at the end of this, we get a three month break from lackluster food, pressing deadlines, and the impending fear of our futures.