As you may know, the new semester is coming up in less than three weeks. A lot of you are asking the question, "How do I prepare myself for the spring semester"?
There are a variety of options that involve changing the way you study or living a healthier lifestyle in order to improve your outlook of returning to school. Here are some of the changes that I suggest making when going into the new semester.
In order to prevent struggling with classes and work over the next semester, try to take some time out of your schedule and go through a series of exercises. If you don't have time for cardio exercises, at least make time for stretching or yoga. These exercises help relax the mind and muscles when feeling stressed, and it can also help your problems with sleeping.
Meal Preparation
If you don't want to spend money ordering food on campus or looking for a healthier lifestyle, you can prepare lunches and dinners from home. During my day at CSI, sometimes I would order food from the Campus Center. However most of the time when I had long days at college, I would always prepare homemade meals for myself the night before. Preparing meals before a long day of classes helps you save time and money, and gives you a chance to try out new recipes!
Go Outside!
When doing any type of assignment for your classes, go outside and write them instead of staying indoors all day. Staying inside all day long trying to get everything done can cause stressful headaches, believe me I have experienced them one to many times. One day I decided to sit in my backyard and read as part of one of my assignments, so I felt my mind clearing up and I was being able to concentrate on what I was doing. However if you feel like taking a break, taking a walk on the green grass and let the bright sun rays shine on you!
Listening to Music
Another great way to take breaks between studying or to improve your relaxation between classes is listening to music. Music has become a daily part of our lives whether we listen for concentration of classes or to unwind after a long day on campus. Listening to music also benefits your mental health such as reducing anxiety and improving your sleeping problems.
Here are my ways to improve my lifestyle for the spring semester. How do you prepare yourselves?