Spring semester is a rough time for college students. The weather is nicer. The snow is all gone. Summer is peaking around the corner. All of this can really hit your motivation and bring it to an all time low. You start to burn out from working so hard all year long, and you just want school to end.... too bad you still have 5 weeks left. All aboard the struggle bus, and please try not to get motion sickness. At least we have the cast of "Parks and Recreation" to relate to.
Counting how many days of school are left...
When you interview for that summer internship and they ask what you do outside of school
Imagining summer
Checking your grades
Trying to get in shape for summer that's only a few weeks away
Giving up on the dining center after eating there for 8 months
You can't wait for Friday and Saturday so you can let loose
Going to class after you missed a day
Whoops you cheated on your diet again..
Beginning to study for finals
Write a 10 page paper, do a group project, come into office hours, attend study group, and take this exam... oh and do it by tomorrow.
When you're asked why you didn't do your homework or attend that study group session..
Debating skipping class to sit on the grass in the quad
When your mom asks if you were studying last night..