Going back to school after a much-needed break always has both good and bad sides to it, but there’s something about coming back for spring semester that’s just a complete game changer. Living up north and going to school down south means there’s always one obvious upgrade you get to enjoy- the undeniably nicer weather. But even besides that, spring semester just holds a certain promise and excitement that shifts the whole mood of the new beginning we’ve been granted after starting the new year. Here are just a few of the things we sometimes forget to appreciate about starting the second semester:
Going back to your second home.
Yes, we all love winter break, Christmas, New Years, and all that good stuff. But let’s face it: after all the celebrations are over we’re beyond ready to go back to the lives we live at school. Even though we loved catching a break from exams and deadlines, a month separated from your friends and your home away from home is more than enough time. After awhile we all just wanna be reunited so we can do hoodrat stuff with our friends again. Book me an early flight, I’m ready to come back.
Escaping the frozen tundra.
Having your own space again.
Don’t get me wrong, adulting sucks. Having to go back to cooking and cleaning for yourself is a seriously rude awakening, but even just having your own place again and not having to answer to anyone anymore kinda feels like a big relief. No matter how old we get, going home for break will always make us feel like we’re kids living under our parent’s roof sharing everything with our siblings. So yeah, it’s definitely nice to feel like you’re in charge again, even if that means having to do your own laundry.om