The spring semester is upon us, which means the days of binge-watching every show on Netflix and waking up at 12 p.m are over. It's time to prepare for classes, walking around campus in freezing temperatures, and dining hall food.
1. Realizing winter break is over:
Has it really been four weeks?
2. Looking at the price of your textbooks:
Only Chegg can save us now.
3. Remembering you get to see your school friends again:
It's been four weeks too long.
4. Wishing that this is how you could wake up for your 8 a.m. class:
Let's be real, nobody wakes up like this for an 8 a.m.
5. Getting an email from your Professor over break with assignments that are due by the first class:
We don't need this kind of negativity in our lives.
6. Walking back into the dining hall and seeing campus food again:
Saying goodbye to home-cooked meals is so hard.
7. Being really excited for some classes:
8. ...But not so excited for others:
*cough general education classes cough*
9. Waking up to your first cancelled class of the semester:
It's even better when it's your 8 a.m.
10. Getting ready in the morning on the first day:
11. Getting ready in the morning a week into the semester:
You're still #flawless.
12. Procrastinating your first paper of the semester:
And drink copious amounts of coffee.
13. Having to bundle up because it's cold on campus now:
Remember when we were all confused by the 70 degree weather in December? Well, winter's here folks.
14. Kicking butt on your first big assignment:
15. Being ready to take on spring semester:
We got this y'all!