This is it! This is the pivotal point that we have all been waiting for this semester. Yes, ladies and gentleman of higher education: it is finally spring break! Spring break is a time when students should be productive but are most likely partying. And some students are doing nothing at all. What should students be doing over spring break verses what they actually do?
Fantasy: I’m going to organize my closet and be efficient.
Reality: I am going to watch Netflix in my underwear.
Fantasy: I am going to be productive and learn a language in this one short week.
Reality: I am watching a Spanish soap opera and am attempting to comprehend this foreign language.
Fantasy: I am going to see all of the friends who I have been meaning and wanting to see.
Reality: I’m hanging out with the dog on the couch!
Fantasy: I am going to make up for all of the times I didn’t go to the gym during the semester and work out like crazy over the break.
Reality: *Stuffs face with cookies*
Fantasy: I am going to throw a banger this spring break!
Reality: *Calls one friend.* “Hey, do you want to come over and binge watch This is Us tonight?”
Fantasy: I am going to learn how to bake something new and delicious this break!
Reality: *Walks into the supermarket.* “How much will that chocolate mousse cake be?”
Fantasy: I am going to spend so much time outside. After all, it is spring break!
Reality: Well, s*** it’s raining. Oh, and is that a snowflake I see?
Fantasy: I am going to go away this spring break!
Reality: Do you think if I sit on a lawn chair in my yard, get a spray tan, and take a picture, people will think I went on vacation?
Fantasy: I LOVE being home.
Reality: When will this break be over?! I am ready to go back to school already!
Spring break is a mixed bag for college students. It is a tease and enables college students to feel as if the semester has come to a close only to realize that a few more weeks are still left. However, towards the end of the break, many college students are ready to go back to school. Even if you don’t see friends, learn a language, make food, or go on vacation, make sure that you relax and take care of yourself this spring break. This is your time to recharge and rest, so please be mindful of yourself. Have a happy and healthy spring break!