Spring fever sets in when the weather starts to turn, the flowers start to bloom and the sunglasses come out. It's that excited feeling you get when it's almost summer, but you're still stuck in school. Or when you know it's going to be a good day just because it will be. You know, it's also that anxious feeling to enjoy the sunshine while it lasts. It puts you in an automatic good mood, creating a giant smile, a positive attitude and a great outfit.
But spring fever is not about enjoying the gorgeous day...unfortunately, it's about missing it. As you sit inside knowing that it's "sunny and 75," you start to feel anxious. Your muscles start to tense up. Your energy increases. And all of a sudden you can't sit anymore.
This feeling is real.
As you're still stuck inside waiting for your moment to jump up and run to the sun, all you can think about is what else you would rather be doing. As you think about the beach, tanning, relaxing, you snap back to reality. You realize that you completely side tracked and have to get back to focusing. But after only focusing for about ten seconds, your mind starts to wander again.
As a student, sitting in class on such a nice day seems to be such a distraction keeping you from your work. In class, you find yourself staring out the window and watching the clouds as they slowly drift by. Or you find yourself very interested in a bird that has started to build a nest on that tree way over there on the other side of that same window. You start to become interested in everything except for what you're supposed to be doing.
However, once you're finally out of class out in the sun, you are hit with a curve ball named responsibility. You know that you have homework, but what is homework on such a nice day?
As you sit back and soak in the sun, you start to feel anxious again. This time not because you want to go outside, but because you know that you have responsibilities. Some may find themselves doing the Grinch's "No, yes, no, yes, no, yes" in order to motivate yourself, but as you get frustrated you think, "I've made my decision! I'm going! And that's that!" So there you go out of the sunshine and back inside. Thinking you'll be inside until dark, you "got a wonderful, "awful" idea." Grabbing your backpack, sunglasses and all, you go back outside to enjoy the warm weather.
Spring fever is a real thing, undoubtedly making you balance freedom and responsibility. If you balance your anxiousness and laziness the right way in the sun, you may be able to overcome your spring fever.
Thinking of where you'd rather be is simple. Overcoming spring fever, now that's difficult.
Keep smiling.