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7 Ways To Freshen Up Your Space For Spring

Tips and tricks to help your space reflect the spring season.

Unsplash - Maarten Deckers

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The cold weather has disappeared completely by this point and I am spending every second I can outside. The time that I have to spend in my dorm doing homework, becomes more and more dreadful. I can tell that spring is fully here due to the flowers and growth I have seen explode all over campus this week. I have been thinking of ways that I can make my space more enjoyable as the weather continues to get warmer.


I have a few plants lining my windowsill, and having these brighten up my day so much. By adding a little succulent, or especially flowers with spring colors, the mood of your space can be enhanced. This spring season, bright coral and blue hues are popular, and adding flowers of these colors (even faux floral) can help!

Pops of pink

Pink is a great color to resemble the change of seasons into spring. It is nice and playful, but also just adds a little more excitement. Show off some femininity, while still staying on a classic level with lighter shades of pink to not let the color become too overwhelming. Hot pink would NOT be a good option in this case! A cute throw pillow or a small sign with a spring quote can do just the trick. Also, this cute Faux Fur Ash Rose Luxury Throw from Pier1 would be great.


Having something handmade and delicate in a space can do SO much. Whether you know the item is handmade or not, the form should be organic, and hint toward feelings of humanity and humility. This delicacy can reflect the new growth found outside in nature, and maybe some new growth in yourself! These vases from Magnolia are an excellent option.

Do a craft

Get your hands to work! Making something can bring satisfaction is what you accomplish. It is also a way to make something pretty and not store-bought to put inside of your space. Host a craft night or join with friends in some way to make memories as you create.

Open the windows

This will bring the fresh air in, and the stale winter air from the heating out. It makes me want to get outside, and I do actually spend more time outside. I also keep the windows open while I sleep, despite the loud roar from a nearby building. However, this road acts as good white noise, and I've actually slept a lot better since having them opened. If you have allergies, this may not be such a good idea, but keeping your blinds completely open to let in as much light as possible is also another option.

Spring cleaning

It's what everyone is talking about! Decluttering your closet, organizing your furniture differently, and clearing items off of surfaces are simple ways to make this happen. If you are going hard-core, get your hands dirty by cleaning carpets, washing fabric curtains, wiping down all surfaces, and getting the dust off of everything! I know that I have a bunch of dust collecting on the walls of my dorm as well as the ceiling, and to me, it's the strangest thing. I WILL tackle that before summer comes though!

Something that helps me get into the mood is to put in a load of laundry, and clean while the laundry is out of the room. Since my dorm is so tiny, my dirty clothes take up so much room since they aren't on the hangers. By having more clothes out of my closet and in the wash, in addition to having my sheets, towels, and other fabrics, my room seems so much easier to move around and access new places that were a little hidden before!

Layers! In the home and in your wardrobe

Swap out heavy comforters for a multitude of blankets. The weather is going to be changing rapidly, so having a few more blankets to bundle up when needed and throw them all off by the end of the night is a good move. Also, add layers to yourself! Start with a t-shirt or sleeveless shirt on the bottom and add a cardigan and then a coat or a jacket. This will allow you to shed layers as it goes from in the 30s in the morning to possibly the 80s as you are walking to class.

These tips should hopefully inspire you to spruce up your space before spring passes and summer is fully here!

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