Spring cleaning is necessary for everyone, but a must for allergy sufferers as pollens tend to increase during this time. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it becomes an even more important task to keep a safe environment. Clean surroundings lead to good health, a cheerful mood, lesser stress and anxiety.
Spring cleaning routine may be an all-weekend marathon or multiple after-work cleaning sessions. Some of the tips and tricks for spring cleaning to do the job faster and more efficiently are mentioned below.
Make a Schedule
A house, be it tiny or massive, spring cleaning can be a challenge. Spring cleaning is about going beyond the usual dusting, scrubbing, mopping, and vacuuming. Start by making a list of what works you have to do in each room of your house. Laundry room, garage, and closets should also be included. Make sure to add cleaning of the baseboards, the walls, and the windows. Window treatments if needed should also be taken care of, moving and cleaning behind and under furniture should also be added to the list. Also, this gives a good idea about the supplies you need to get before you get started.
Break cleaning down into 10-minute chunks
Follow your list and break down each task into manageable chunks. Estimate the time required to complete each task and add those chores to your everyday routine. Do not overwork yourself to complete the task in the estimated time as it might drain you off.
Don't Forget Your Appliances
Home appliances too need deep cleaning. Take out the shelves and clean the refrigerator thoroughly. Clean your washing machine by using a drum cleaning cycle. But also take care to clean the door, gasket to remove any mold. The exteriors too need to be thoroughly wiped. Similarly, the dishwasher too needs your attention. Clean the filters, run a cleaning cycle and wipe the exteriors.
Seek Professional Help
There's no harm or shame in asking for help. Big projects that involve moving furniture or climbing ladders to dust light fixtures might need more hands too. Moreover, help from an accompaniment can finish the task faster.
EXPIRED and Wasted:
Make sure to check your storage. Check out the jars, cans, and boxes. Pretty much everything has an expiration date. Separate the fresh products from the expired products.
Mix up your all-natural cleanser
Try to clean with fewer chemicals, it's a good idea to mix up your homemade cleaning solutions to clean the floors, kitchen tiles and washbasin.
Always Work from Top to Bottom
Dust and clean the ceiling, fans, and light fixtures. Wipe down the walls, clean the windows, remove the dust from wall hangings and frames and sanitize the doors, windows, and light switches. You can either start with the furniture next or the closets or do them right before cleaning the floor.
Walls and Windows Need Love too
People always forget to clean the walls and windows. Dust particles don't settle on the floor and other surfaces only. Just use a damp towel to wipe down the walls. Wipe down the window screens and wash the window curtains. A steam cleaner or plain water will be sufficient to clean the windows.
Make your trash smell better
Dispose of your household waste properly. Keep separate bins for wet and dry waste. Make sure to recycle and reuse the reusable objects. Use disinfectants to prevent any bacterial growth.
Clean the bathroom and the toilet properly
Consider installing or upgrading to a new bathroom fan. Fans are used for ventilating moisture during showers and removing odors/vapors.