As spring break is nearing or has already began there are some major items that all if not most college kids need and or want on their week of new adventures in new cities with friends.
Weather its on the beach soaking up the glorious rays or skiing down a steep mountain side all spring breaks include the need of some of the items on the list below.
1. Water Bottle
Keep yourself and your friends hydrated while sightseeing and doing other fun activities.
2. Sunscreen/Lotion
Make sure you have just incase your pale faced friend doesn't burn up on the first day.
3. Pills/ Liquids
Always have the basics with you just in case so that morning hangover isn't so bad.
You never know what could happen to a card, always have spare cash hidden in your clothes.
5. Correct Outfit Choices
Please don't pack shorts and crop tops if your plan is to go colder than where you live now.
6. Uber App/Car Help
Nice to have as your the mom/dad for the night on the town.
7. Pepper Spray
Always easy and handy for those incase of an attack situations.
8. Cords
Car,Hotel,Pocket,Bathroom chargers because you never know when an emergency can come up.
9. Game Plan
Keep to a plan on what everyone wants to do each day.
10. Big Bag
Pills, Water, Food, Cash, Spray is always easier in a big bag.
Now I know some may seem far out, but all of this items are important for the break of a week long vacation with no parents and no rules. With the no rules comes with the fact of no judgment either, hope all the items helped you pack for your next big trip and stay safe loves.
Please note that all items are in stock as of the time of publication. As an Amazon Associate, Odyssey may earn a portion of qualifying sales.