Spring break.
The midpoint of the spring semester and the one week that everyone looks forward to in college. But there’s a catch. Many students have common visions of having all their friends from other schools together, maybe sitting on a beach or at some extravagant all-inclusive resort in a tropical place. Unfortunately for many, that isn’t the case. I am more than sure that every college student at some point will wonder what it’d be like if all colleges had the same week off for spring break!
That’s one of the biggest headaches with spring break. Every school has their certain week off whether it’s the first week of March or last week of March or anytime in between. In most cases, everyone ends up at such different schools that it’s hard to find someone with the same spring break as you which can get really annoying!
Luckily enough for me, I get to go to college in a place where people go on spring break, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that all my friends are visiting during the same week I have off. Actually, I personally don’t know any of my friends that have the same break as me and I have to say, it absolutely sucks! Even if we do plan for visits on each others’ spring breaks, it’s not everyone’s break anymore which means class and school activities conflict with schedules.
Of course, everyone wishes spring break would be the same but that doesn’t mean you can’t still have fun when your friends visit! Show them how your school lives it up on the weekend and instead make your own "spring break."