Spring break is one of the most anticipated breaks we have as college students. After
a stressful week of midterms, we get a nice, much needed week off surrounded by
relaxation and little to no responsibility. It's just a taste of what summer
will feel like that is a short eight weeks away. However, it is one of the most
difficult breaks to come back from because the thought of coming back to
responsibility, assignments, quizzes and the normal routine sound horrible
compared to the incredibility chill week you just had. But, unfortunately we
all have to come back to reality and fall into what I like to call the
"spring break slump". You know, the lack of motivation that is somehow significantly less than the amount you had the week leading up to spring break because you were already in "spring break mode"? It's also
accompanied by a strong sense of, "Do I really need this degree?" and,
"Why are there so many weeks left in the semester?" The slump is almost inevitable, but here are a few things I do in order to keep my morale
high during the second half of the spring semester:
1. Remember that you are already halfway done with the semester, maybe even a little more.
There really are not that many weeks left when you look at it. You can even start a countdown until finals! It's almost done, so you can do this. You've already made it this far, no sense in quitting now.
2. You've already paid for the semester, might as well try not to lose too much money on tuition.
You have already paid for the classes and books, try not to have to re-spend your money on the same class because you decided to check-out after spring break. Save yourself the time and money and push through the last couple of weeks, even if you absolutely hate the class.
3. You get to see your college people again.
I am in a sorority, so I always look forward to coming back from breaks to see my sisters again and hear about what they did. Even though you come back to responsibility, at least you will have people there with you to help you finish out the semester.
4. Plan out a weekend for relaxation.
I am sure you will find a free weekend that you can take off in the second half of your semester. Whenever it is, take it for yourself and plan a relaxing weekend. Whether it be in your college town, a small vacation or even a trip home, as long as you have a set day or two that you can take for yourself, it will help you get through the semester because you will have another "break" to look forward to.
5. Treat yourself every so often.
Set out rewards for yourself as you accomplish things throughout the rest of the semester. Maybe look into going dancing one weekend after a big test, or possibly planning a movie night with friends. It can even be small things such as rewarding yourself with an hour of Netflix.
Above all, just do your best to finish the semester strong. You made it through the first half, so you can definitely make it through the second. Stay organized and focused, even if it takes all of your effort. It will be over before you know it.