Spring break: the best part of the second semester of college. But the level of fun we have during spring break is directly proportional to how much we have to get back into the mindset of a full-time student yet again -- and for those of us who are familiar with that struggle, it's not as easy as it sounds, and can even take longer than a week.
When you’re excited to be back in Athens and you’re ready to kill the second half of the semester.
When your first lecture is not about the beach, but actually about important things like information systems in business.
When you know you should be asleep, but all of a sudden it’s 3 A.M.
When you know you should go to sleep, since it’s 3 A.M., but you decide to finish just the current episode of "House of Cards."
When you sleep through your alarm and barely make it to your first class.
When you make it to your first class the next day.
When you sleep through all of your alarms and miss an entire day of classes.
When you remember you have three assignments due on the same day.
When you finish all of those three assignments right on time.
When the weekend comes and you can finally sleep for as long as you want.