Puerto Vallarta, commonly referred to by its abbreviation "PV," is a popular spring break destination among college students. After a week of soaking up the Mexican sun and drinking endless piña coladas, here's a visual guide of what exactly it's like to be a MVP in PV for those who didn't go, or a chance to cure those who are suffering from post-PV depression:
After staying up all night to board your 5 a.m. flight, you've never been more ready to get to Mexico and basically conquer whatever the next week has in store for you (and your liver).
Once arriving to your hotel room and dropping off your luggage, you realize it's finally time to get in a bathing suit and head to the pool with your best friends.
You first think you're going to spend the week relaxing and getting a nice tan...
...but weirdly forget that you get unlimited drinks at the poolside bar and MUST TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS!
A few drinks in, and your dance moves prove that your sobriety is officially gone for the next seven days.
You drunk eat more fries than a normal human should consume.
After finally meeting your home best friend's college friends, you obviously choose to celebrate with them by take shots.
The DJ puts on your ~favorite song in the entire world~ so the only way to react is dance with your newest friends.
The sun sets in PV, signaling the best time of the day: NAP TIME.
After getting a couple of hours to nap, it's time to wake up, only to realize you'll be drinking yet again.
Hop in the cab, because either XTINE or La Santa's open bars are eagerly waiting for you.
Once you get there, you get really confused as to why so many workers are mopping the floor while everyone is dancing.
And why they keep flashing their flashlights around the club.
Luckily, you get to repeat this cycle for the next week!
After seven days and many tequila shots later, you soon learn why exactly they call tequila "Mexican water."