So you're staying in Virginia for spring break while all of your friends go on some crazy spring break adventure. It sucks. I know. I have some good news for you, though. You are in a state that has mountains, beaches, and all the clueless drivers in between. Here are 9 spring break ideas that you could do when you are stuck in VA for your spring break this year:
1) Mountain Weekend Round #2?
We all know how nice it is to be able to see miles of woods from a third story balcony. Although there are limited options, you can travel down the Appalachian Mountains. You could stay in a cabin for around $50 dollars a night. Not too bad if you want to take a mountain road trip.
2) While in the mountains, go see the Natural Bridge.
For around $20 (depending on what time a year you go), you can check out the scene views of the Natural Bridge. Also, included in an admission package, you can opt to check out their caverns.
3) If you are at the Natural Bridge, you might as well check out the Safari.
Now the Safari Zoo is not affiliated with the Natural Bridge Zoo. This Safari allows you to drive right up to the animals so you can feed them food. Luckily, this family attraction is open March 11th.
4) Keep going down Route 81 and drive on The Crooked Road.
If you enjoy good 'ol blues, bluegrass, soul, and country music, then take a couple days to drive down The Crooked Road to learn about amazing singers who made a name for themselves in the music industry.
5) Once you are done with The Crooked Road, come back up 81 and head towards Farmville, Va.
Come visit America's oldest two college town. This town is home to Longwood University and Hampden-Sydney College. A lot of history is in this town. I recommend that you take a hike down High Bridge Trail to see the old railroad bridge that was turned in a sight-seeing bridge.
6) After you have experience the oldest two college town, then head down to Richmond.
Many people have already experienced Richmond; however, have you truly experienced the history of the city? Take a look at the Civil War Museum to learn about the rich history of our nation. If museums bore you, then hit up the Richmond Beer Trail for all the local craft beers on the James River.
7) Go south down 460 and end up at Virginia Beach.
If you hate the mountain but love the beach, then make sure you stop by VA Beach. No, it's not the best beach around, but for what it's worth, the attractions are pretty nice. Hopefully, you'll have a nice sunny day to just lay on the beach.
8) If the beach isn't your thing, then head up 64 to Fredericksburg, VA.
If you are anywhere near Fredericksburg, then you must hit up Carl's Icecream. Carl's Icecream is a national historic landmark. Opened in 1947, Carl's is home to the addicting frozen custard. If you are not into ice cream, then downtown Fredericksburg is only about a mile away.
9) Finally, head up to Northern Virginia.
If nothing on this list intrigues you, then you can always find something to do in Northern Virginia. Go find out about the history in old town Alexandria. Past Alexandria is the high-end shopping district and Tyson's Corner Galleria. If you have money to spend, then it's your kind of place. If not, do what I do and visualize yourself buying the items.
If you absolutely can't find anything to do, then say screw Virginia and go into downtown Washington D.C. Maybe there will be a nice club or something.