Oh, Spring Break! Everyone loves planning your big week! Heck even I did and I was so excited! I mean who doesn't get excited!? It's a full week away from school when you can actually plan out a trip if you wanted to, go home and sleep, go home and work, etc. The list is ENDLESS! My Spring Break was planned with my boyfriend and my best friend, well I mean my last plans made were with them! My plans kept changing and even changed the DAY we went up to start our adventure and then BOOM: things changed! Trust me when planning anything, they always tell you to be prepared for the worse, know that something always goes wrong, and have a backup plan! With Spring Break, sometimes you don't, you have to improvise on the spot, and then you realize something you would never thought of, never get too attached to your plans! Yep I said it! Once you hear how my adventure went, how it ended up, and why I am still smiling on my Spring Break will make you realize that you always have to be on your toes!
First problem: We could not find our hotel!
Yes we were using a GPS, actually we used THREE different GPS apps to find this place! We kept passing it and we were not sure why! Come to find it, it was in an alley-way that looked really sketchy and that's when everything else started to go down hill.
Second problem: The hotel looked like a horror movie/TV!
Has anyone ever watched American Horror Story Hotel? Yep it almost looked like that except smaller! Like SO SMALL that if you never thought you were claustrophobic, this would have made you realize it and so much more!
Third problem: The hotel LIED on their page AND on another website!
How did we end up at American Horror Story Hotel? Well we did not think we were going their because the pictures we saw on booking.com were 100% DIFFERENT than what was actually shown! I even called booking.com to see who posted all of the information and pictures, the hotel put all of that up there! So I then told the amazing customer service lady about what happened, she talked to the manager of the hotel, and we got a full refund! She even helped us to find a new hotel to sleep in that night because we were not staying there!
So LONG story short, we found a new hotel, did not like how we had to get there, and so we left the next day! That night though was absolutely amazing! We were able to relax, we started drinks WAY TOO EARLY, we decided to order two pizzas AND two sodas, and no we did not finish the pizzas at all! On the drive back we decided to stop by IHOP and enjoy some delicious breakfast where we than decided to go shopping and watch The Batman LEGO Movie!
Sounds boring right? Actually, it was the best time ever! How? I was with two people who I care more about in this world next to my family, we did not fight about where we had to go, we just decided to go with the flow and have fun, and that is exactly what happened!
Moral of the story? No matter what be ready for a new plan! These Spring Break plans had been changed at least two times before this and then it got changed AGAIN while at our final destination! So let the stress get to you for a second, look who is around you, and smile! You never know - the plans that are improvised are better than ones you plan for months.