Spring Break is upon us, people! I don't know about you, but I need this and I want to squeeze every drop of relaxation and fun out of this break that I can. So, here's the advice I'll be following to maximize the potential of my spring break.
1. Don't Compromise Your Health In The Name Of Partying
As much fun as partying can be, don't exhaust yourself. This is a break to recover from the exhaustion already incited by school or work. So, get a reasonable amount of sleep! Don't come back from break more exhausted than when you left. I'm not saying don't go out at night, just party smart.
Partying smart also includes knowing your limits. Party all you want, but don't hurt your liver. And don't end up in a strange place without your phone or a friend.
Another big part of being healthy is eating healthy. As good as Taco Bell may sound when you have the munchies at midnight, maybe you don't need those delicious Nacho Fries. It's not that you can't eat them, but allow time for junk food. Set parameters. Fit in some healthy meals. As boring as that may sound, it'll make a huge difference in how you feel.
Primarily, don't die because you partied too hard.
2. Get Ahead
Start on that research paper you've been putting off since January that's due in a month. Sure, school isn't what you want to be doing on your break from school, but your future self will thank you.
3. Go Outside
When I have nothing to do, there is the ever-present danger of staying inside all day. Wherever you are, make sure you get outside. Bask in the sun. Appreciate the natural world. Really breathe in the oxygen. I hate to be cliche, but fresh air does ya good.
4. If You're Home, Remember Your Autonomy
So, you're back at home for Spring Break? Do NOT make your parents do things for you. I mean, if mom offers to do laundry, I wouldn't refuse an offer, but don't just throw a semester's worth of dirty laundry at her. In fact, parents do so much for us, why not offer to make dinner one night? It doesn't have to be a five-star restaurant quality meal, your parents will appreciate the effort. And for the love of God, clean your dishes.
5. Beware the Dangers of Binge-Watching
It's so easy to get sucked into binge-watching, and there's nothing wrong with that, in fact, I recommend it. But don't do it without first setting parameters (like the junk food parameters). Set aside a few hours for binging your favorite show on whatever streaming service you prefer. But don't waste your whole break in front of the screen, you'll regret it.
6. Coming to/Staying in LA?
Me too! Here's a few relatively low-cost, yet high quality things to do in LA: Pick a beach, literally any beach. Go to a museum, whether it be art, science, or history. Hike! Check out the club scene. Take a trip to Griffith Observatory. And this may just be a me thing, but pray for an under 21 drag show.