Are you wanting to look toned, healthy, and overall AMAZING this spring break? Well, search no more because you're in the right place. From getting fit, to literally glowing these tips WILL help you accomplish your goals for that perfect swimsuit body. Who doesn't love being tan, fit, and glowing with white teeth? If you follow these 10 tips you are bound to be Instagram ready this spring break season.
2. Do cardio workouts
A couple times a week go to the gym or outside and do some sort of cardio. Machines are a really easy and affective way to get your cardio in for the day.
3. Eat a somewhat healthy diet
You don't have to be SUPER healthy, but eating the right portion of the four main food groups each day will help your diet stay balanced.
4. Cut back on the sugar
I know it's hard, but maybe don't eat an entire pack of Oreos in one sitting.
5. Eat in moderation
Binge-watching Netflix while eating an ENTIRE bag of chips can wait until after swim suit season.
6. Choose to walk instead of Uber
You can save money and get a workout all at the same time? Crazy, I know.
7. Practice yoga
Namaste in bed isn't an option anymore. Try doing a short yoga class in the mornings off of Youtube a couple times a week. This will help loosen up your tight muscles and get you ready for your next workout.
8. Hydrate!!!
Drinking lots and lots of water will help rejuvenate your body and your skin, leaving you feeling better than ever. Plus, the more water you drink, the more your skin will glow.
9. Get your tan on
Nobody wants to go on vacation look pasty white. Try using Jergens, a spray tan, or a tanning bed to give you that soft natural tan before leaving for the beach.
10. Use teeth whitening remedies
Trust me when I say you're going to want whiter teeth for spring break, especially for your pictures. Try using any at home remedies on Pinterest or go buy some sort of teeth whitening, whether it's Crest Whitening Strips or the Charcoal toothpaste, anything will help.