Spring break is just around the corner and as students, we are preparing for the last week before we finally have a break to relax and let loose from all the stress. Whether you are staying at home, going somewhere tropical, or going somewhere colder, it is nice to know that we will not have to worry about schoolwork.
Unfortunately, the one thing that everyone is concerned about is his or her spring break bod. For those of us who are going to warm weather, we want to be looking our absolute best because most likely these students are going on the trip that is planned through a specific company… This means that other schools are going to be there and new people to make friends with will be there. I guess that requires looking your all time best.
It is sad that everyone is so worried about how they are going to look for one week. I have heard so many different people say “No! I can’t eat that. Spring break is a week away!” Everyone who is going attending these trips also goes to college and knows that it is hard to fit time in to go to the gym everyday and eat so healthy as to maintain perfect shape. Yes, of course, there are people that do this, but having a veggie burrito or having one cookie after dinner is not going to have a huge impact on your spring break diet.
Earlier this week I heard a girl talking about how her spring break diet was putting her in an awful mood and how she ended up crying one night when she was out to dinner because she felt under such pressure. I was sitting there listening and I wanted to tell her to stop trying to follow such a strict diet in the first place because by no means was she heavy.
It is one thing to say you are going to practice eating healthier before spring break so that your body is prepared for whatever trip you are planning, but it is another to let this diet control your mood and your attitude.
The last week before spring break is midterms for most colleges, which is already stressful enough, staying up until 2 am trying to edit that last paper or go through those notecards one last time before an exam. What makes it even worse is when you hold yourself back so much from eating one little treat to help hold your body over until after spring break.
I understand wanting to look your best for spring break, but you should make the goal a realistic diet that you are comfortable with and that doesn’t completely alter your choices of eating. You will be much happier and healthier sippin’ on those margaritas or whatever your drink of choice is knowing that you did try to eat healthily, but that you also made it through the week without a mental breakdown over a silly topic.