Spring break: that one week college kids look forward to once the semester becomes too much to handle. We can’t wait to escape the stress, exams, papers, dining hall food and bad weather. Waiting for spring break when you know it’s right around the corner is absolute torture. But the truth is that spring break isn't all it's cracked up to be. You'll soon find yourself wishing you were back at school. Here’s what really happens during spring break, as told by Michael Scott:
Spring break is one week away and you already started packing because you can't wait to get away from school.
But then someone kills your vibe and tells you that you still have an exam to get through.
When you're in your last class before break and your professor reminds you about that paper that is due the day you get back.
Finally, the day before you leave. But then everyone starts to ask you where you're headed for spring break.
So, you silently sit there and wish you didn't buy those clothes at the beginning of the year and that food last weekend and spend every penny in your bank account.
You say goodbye your college BFFs like:
And then you sadly realize that some of your friends don't have the same break as you.
But it's okay because some of them do.
So you reunite and do all the same stupid things that you used to do.
And then the next day, you're back to your old habits. You watch an entire season of the Netflix show you've been watching without realizing it.
It finally hits you that you should be productive and start that paper that is due when you get back ... but you just can't.
On a more positive note, your parents can't help but spoil you because they missed you.
So you go out to eat at your favorite restaurant, but you see someone you know and they begin to ask you how the semester is going.
You try to distract yourself from your boredom and go on Instagram, but it's filled with everyone's vacation pics and you're extremely jealous.
You're still bored and someone offers you plans, but you're so tired from doing nothing all day that you stay home once again.
You finally realize that spring break isn't what it's cracked up to be and continue doing this for the rest of the week until you head back to school.
Well, that about sums up what really happens over spring break. And if you haven't watched "The Office" by now, do yourself a favor and go watch it.