So, it's that magical time of spring semester -- spring break, or should I be saying spring broke? Let's be real here, on a college budget how are we affording to go to some tropical island with pools, open bars, and sunshine. Everyone knows that home is the place the broke students go when they've run out of quarters for laundry, meal plan for food, and well money in general. Couch potatoes, unite!
Netflix, Netflix, and more Netflix.
Who cares about all the hot guys/girls on the beach, right now? Let's be honest, our legs haven't seen the sun in more than a couple of months and though a tan is necessary, the sun is going to be blinding enough. Keeping the pale legs covered under piles of blankets and catching up on all the shows you've missed seems like a great plan.
Home cooked meals.
You're home for a week which means that Mom or Dad is cooking! What could be better? You haven't had a decent meal in almost two months, and spending time with your obnoxious younger siblings won't get too old especially just for the hour at the dinner table.
All your hometown meals.
Whether it's your favorite pizzeria or deli, calling in take out, or ordering in, there is nothing better than sitting on the couch and eating all your favorite foods in as little time as possible. You can't even drink the water in Cancun, let alone get a decent slice of pizza.
Watching movies with family.
The gang's all here for the first time in months. What better way to bond than all snuggling up together on a couch made for three (but still squeezing five)?
Seeing high school friends.
This one is probably pushing it because of course why would you ever have the same spring break as any of your friends? But for the ones you do get to see, that time is cherished. So invite the friends over, grab a couple of drinks, and find your seat on the couch because it's going to be a long night of catching up.
Catching up on sleep.
No need for an explanation here. Sleep is precious, sleep is love. Let's appreciate it while we can.
So, hey, it's not the Bahamas, or Florida, or Cancun, but it's home. The couch isn't so bad when it's got company, and there's nothing more important than a stress free week even if it is only seven days. College does you dirty sometimes, and sitting back and relaxing in time well spent always.
Happy spring break!