It's all like you see in the movies. Drunk girls, string bikinis, tequila shots, and wet t-shirt contests in Cancun or Miami. That's what spring break is once you turn 21.
Just kidding.
If you're like me, spring break will be going home and celebrating midterms being over. Because unlike the movies, I don't know how any college junior like me has the funds to buy a plane ticket home, let alone a tropical vacation. But some people do it. They find a way to make the money or they bat their eyes at their parents, and they book their plane tickets and booze cruises.
While I am not one of those people who is jetting off to an island, I admire the dedication of those who are because we are all celebrating the same thing...and probably for the last time.
When you're a kid, spring break seemed like an eternity. It was like a mini summer in the middle of the school year. Usually, spring break meant a beach vacation and going nuts on all the Peeps you could. But then, the Easter Bunny goes extinct. As you approached middle school and eventually high school, it seemed as though spring break got shorter every year, and college was no different because you usually only get about a week off.
Well now, as I am in the second semester of my junior year of college, I realize why people go to Cancun for wet t-shirt contests: it's because it is our last taste of freedom.
Most likely, the summer after junior year of college will be your last free summer before you join the working world (it hurts just writing that). However, it's rare that this summer is free for anyone at this stage in life. Summer after junior year is absolute prime time for internships and the beginning of working full time. It is your last chance before your senior year to make your resume as long as possible before you start adding all of your white lies about how much community service you did freshman year. Going into senior year is crunch time for two reasons:
1) to get experience and
2) to make all the money you can so you can go out with a bang.
Spring break for a college junior is like saying goodbye. It's saying goodbye to spring breaks, saying goodbye to freedom, and saying goodbye to the last ounce of your immaturity before you're hit in the face with the "It's happening!" panic attack that will surely come as you enter your senior year.
Enjoy your last spring break. Wet t-shirts are frowned upon in the office.