So your spring break adventure has come to an end. It's finally time to say goodbye to all of the crazy parties, and warm carefree days spent laying out in the sand. The hazy memories you made during that week will last you for many years to come. But now it's time to come back to real world, and face what might be the hardest part of your semester -- the post spring break blues.
The mere thought of alcohol makes you want to vomit. Although you are not sure you can even physically do that at this point, considering the amount of times you had to pull the car over on the way home for, well, let's just call it a rest stop.
The weather sucks. There is nothing quite like being on the beach with a pair of shorts on, the sun on your face, and a warm summer breeze running through your hair. Only to get in the car and drive back up to the frozen wasteland where your college of choice resides. Trading in your bikini for a parka is never an easy pill to swallow.
Constantly finding sand in random places. It is three weeks after your spring break festivities have ended. You are just sitting in bed catching up on Netflix and avoiding your homework, as usual. You reach under your pillow in the hopes of finding your phone and instead pull out a handful of sand.
No one understands your stories. There is nothing quite like telling a story from spring break to a group of your non-spring break going pals. They might smile and even give the occasional fake chuckle, but really they have no earthly clue what you are really talking about and definitely don't find your inside jokes as funny as your spring break group does.
You miss your beach friends. Nothing can compare to the people you met on your spring break adventures. Sure, they were crazy, but you shared indescribable and some unmentionable experiences that bonded you in ways your school friends just cannot understand. Although you probably wouldn't be friends with them in real life, you still hold a warm place for them in your heart.
Motivation is at an all-time low. Coming back to school with due dates, tests, and schedules makes every spring breaker cringe. The phrase, "Take me back to the beach!" can be heard throughout most campus libraries for weeks after spring break ends.