As spring break rapidly approaches you may notice a few things changing around your campus. Midterms are over, no one is as stressed -- simply bored -- and people start talking about the summer and beaches, and the gym starts getting incredibly packed at all hours of the day. Ladies and gentlemen, it is spring break season.
Spring break is the ultimate college experience. Unless you are going home or going somewhere even colder than your campus is now (I will never understand those people), it is a week to take with your best friends, travel to somewhere warm away from your icy campus, and do nothing but relax and party with them for a whole week. Unlike most other trips and vacations, there are very few rules apart from not destroying the house. However, there are a few guidelines and tips, that if you know and understand, you will come out of spring break alive. So whether you are going to Panama City Beach (PCB, if you're cool), Destin, Cancun, Myrtle Beach, Miami, Bahamas, or your parent's private island on Bora Bora, all of the following are good guidelines to make your trip as wonderful and successful and crazy as you dreamed it would be.
Don't overpack.
You are about to be living in a small space with a lot of other people. All you are really going to need is a few bathing suits, cover ups, t-shirts with shorts, and maybe a few outfits for the nightlife. You are not going to be doing much else than living on the beach, so you really don't need too many options. Odds are, you are not going to run into the same people more than once.
H2O: bring it and drink it.
Although the idea of spending the day in the sun, drinking pina coladas and dancing seems like nothing short of paradise, the sun will be out, it will be hot, and you will get dehydrated. And bring sunscreen because, you know, avoiding cancer and all that stuff.
Make evening plans.
A lot of beaches have clubs and places for nightlife, but if you are under 21 it can be hard to get in so plan your nights ahead of time. Make sure you know where you can and cannot get in. Sometimes, it is okay to just hang out at the house with your buddies, too. Cards Against Humanity and just renting are still great options and, honestly, the beach can be exhausting so taking the night to relax and hang out is not always such a bad idea.
Be safe.
I know it is repeated time and time again, but know what you can and cannot handle. Don't be dumb, but have fun. Be responsible and look out for the people you are with. It is a great time but make sure you are in control. Your parents worry because they have been there, done that. Keep up with your group, and if you are going international, remember that you are in an unfamiliar culture. Just be responsible, be safe, and use your best judgement. If you do all these things, you are bound to have a good time and all come home with great memories until the next year.