All of the seasons have different aspects about them that make people look forward to their arrival. However, by the end of that season, you're pretty much over those aspects and ready to push them off for a year. Summer has vacations and fun outdoor activities but can also have unbearable heat. Fall has pumpkins and leaves but can get busy quickly. Winter has holidays, but it's so gray afterward. Spring, on the other hand, has the perfect combination of weather, temperatures, activities, and colors that I look forward to every year. It is clearly the best season out of the four.
1. Sunshine
Yes, I know it generally rains for a good portion of spring too, but there's just something so warm and inviting about the sun that makes me look forward to all the fun/relaxing things I can do in the summer (in between working, of course; we are adults who need to pay rent after all).
2. "Longer" days
This could technically fall under the last category, but I'm in charge of this listicle. Anyways, more daylight means increased productivity. I enjoy looking out the window at 7:30 pm and thinking "It's still light outside?"
4. Babies
'Tis the season for babies to be born! Kittens, puppies, chicks, bunnies, ducklings... need I say more?
5. Flowers
Flowers offer up some much-needed color to the world after a dark and dreary winter, some help out the bee population, and they smell nice too! I'm willing to deal with the annoying effects of my pollen allergy as long as I have flowers.
6. Wardrobe switch
Goodbye, sweaters and boots; I'm trading you in for crop tops and sunglasses. It's not you, it's me. I'll see you in the fall.
8. Never a better time to feel like a college student
I don't know about you, but I never feel more like a college student than when I'm surrounded by my fellow students throwing frisbees, soaking up the sun, and just enjoying the day. It's just a stereotypical feeling that really accentuates the college experience for me which in turn makes me more motivated to tackle some schoolwork.
10. It's a time of new beginnings
OK, there's a lot of different times of the year where people like to start fresh (New Years, a new school year, etc.), but spring is the rebirth of things after they've been hiding away all winter! Now is the perfect time to get out there and take initiative! After all, there is more daylight now.