9 Reasons Why Spring Is Definitely The Best Season | The Odyssey Online
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9 Reasons Why Spring Is Definitely The Best Season

Spring has finally sprung and the world is all a little happier.

9 Reasons Why Spring Is Definitely The Best Season

Spring has ~finally~ sprung, and after months of everyone complaining that it's not here yet, it seems like we've all turned our attention toward summer. But, I think we need to appreciate the season we're in just a little bit more because it's pretty frickin' great.

1. It's not cold as f*ck

If you’re a Northerner (like me), you know that winters suck. If you’re a Southerner, my advice to you is to not take a trip up here between the months of October and April. We don’t like those months, so I’m pretty confident that you won’t like them either.

Spring is so much better because it isn't hot as balls like it is in summer, but it's also not, you know, cold as f*ck like it is in winter. It's a happy medium of warm sun and cool breezes. You really can't go wrong with spring.

2. Seasonal depression? Who's she?

The sun is back and so is my beloved vitamin D. As a Northerner, I can attest to not getting as many happy sunny months as the southern half of the U.S., and seasonal depression is pretty common during the autumn and winter months because of that, so spring is a welcome change for everybody.

3. Watching people with allergies suffer once again

As someone who only suffers from itchy eyes during the fall season, I find great joy in listening to allergy sufferers complain and lament about the daily pollen count. Throw back some Claritin and go dance in the grass with me, Becky, because SPRING IS HERE and I LOVE IT.

4. Did I mention the sun is back???

Yeah, yeah, sunscreen is a pain to apply (and you really should be wearing it all the time, but who actually does that, right?), but the sunshine is definitely worth the effort. Go roll around in the grass and soak up all that goodness. Feel your energy levels rising, take a nap, go for a run. The possibilities are endless.

5. You can wear dresses again!

I'm not a dress person either, but hear me out... no more layers, no more matching pants to shirts, you just throw on a flowy dress and step into some Crocs. The only downside I can see to this is needing to shave your legs regularly again (if that’s a thing you do), but the positives definitely outweigh that negative.

And speaking of Crocs...

6. It's time to break out the Crocs again

If you're a Crocs enthusiast like me, you know that the first day of general warmth means that you'll soon be able to break out your preferred form of footwear once again. If you're not a fan of Crocs, you'll at least have more than just your allergies to complain about.

7. Driving with the windows down

Nothing is better than finally being able to roll down your windows and breathe in that fresh air as you’re singing loudly to whatever music you’re listening to (“Bohemian Rhapsody," anyone?). This is scientifically proven to cure any ailment.. by me because I’m a scientist. I know things.

8. Hammocks!

If you’re anything like me (or, more accurately, my mother), you’ve already broken out the hammock and have gone for a swing. Almost nothing is more relaxing than swinging in a hammock. Trust me, I'm a scientist, remember?

9. Outdoor naps

The bugs haven’t returned from hell yet, so you can lay out a blanket or string up the aforementioned hammock and fall the f*ck asleep. I know that's what I'll be doing.

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