Sometimes finding things to be happy about in this crazy life that we’re all living can be very difficult. Life has been known to throw curve balls at us that try to bring us all down. It almost feels like it is easier to just be a negative person in your day-to-day life so that way you're not disappointed when you get let down. But when things get you down like that, there is always a way to show how positivity is the better option for you.
In the past, I have had the habit of looking at the negative side of pretty much everything. As I said before, it seems as though the better way to go about your life is from a pessimistic standpoint. Recently I was shown that being a positive person and taking the optimistic approach is quite a lot easier than the idea leads itself on to be.
It doesn't take a lot to smile at someone. It really doesn't. Our natural faces tend to be a straight look ahead with not even the slightest grin, something of which we cannot help, but once we realize what our face is showing people we can change it. A simple smile at someone else can affect their entire day. It could make them happier, it could show them that someone out there is happy to see them, it could even change their whole day around. The simple act of taking the outer part of your mouth and shifting it upward could have such a big impact on someone else.
A compliment is worth more than we imagine. Telling someone you like how their hair looks or that their outfit looks well put together are simple statements that could make a person’s day. I bet a vast majority of those reading this change their appearance at least three times in the morning before they feel they are ready to walk out of the house. I know I do. Someone telling you that your outfit looks good could make you feel like changing three times was worth it.
Incorporating these simple details into my everyday life has shown me how easy it is to be a more positive and happier person. It has changed the energy I have throughout the day. By wanting myself to be more positive and by proceeding to act upon this idea, I have become a more energetic and happier person. Making those around me happy and giving off a positive vibe around other people has driven me to be a happier and more positive person.
So next time you walk by someone, smile at them and tell them you like their hair. Even if they don't seem to show much emotion, I can guarantee you they won't forget it.