Things I am tired of hearing:
"It just slips out!"
"Chill, you know I didn't mean it like that"
"Literally everyone uses it."
"Oh sorry. Do you know someone that's retarded?"
As a grown individual, you must take agency over each word you utter. Every sound you make and each slur you nonchalantly articulate reflects not only on who you are, but what role you are choosing to occupy as a global citizen. Each time you choose to speak, it is your duty to understand the repercussions of your voice. And for some, I know that this truth doesn't change a thing. However, I choose to have faith in the general public and hope they understand the fervor of their diction.
So, to those who think it is still acceptable to use the 'r-word' with derogatory and exclusive intentions, I urge you to understand the impact of your decision. Your lack of empathy spreads a message of rejection. Using the "r-word" as an insult further sets back the fight for a more inclusive world.
By boycotting the "r-word," it will become increasingly less prevalent in our society as a vehicle to insult. Attitudes towards those with intellectual disabilities will become more inclusive and the world will ultimately be a more love-filled place.
The "r-word," which originally began as a clinical term, has been distorted and adopted by those who lack an understanding of the intellectually disabled community. Work to think about others before speaking. Forcing a negative connotation upon the lives of those that you lack an understanding for is exclusive, harmful, and frankly inhuman.
The more we condone hate-speech, the faster hate wins. The more we condemn hate-speech and promote a world of inclusivity and understanding, the more welcoming and beautiful the world will become.
For more information and to educate yourself further on the "Spread the Word to End the Word" movement, please visit this link.