Spread The Word To End The Word | The Odyssey Online
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Spread The Word To End The Word

Showing respect to everybody you are surrounded by will spread kindness and help our communities be more accepting and safer for all.

Spread The Word To End The Word
Alana Charboneau

Each day we are given the opportunity to change somebody's life in small and BIG ways; either by just saying something kind or giving them a gift, whatever the gift may be; a smile, a coffee, maybe even a rock. Throughout elementary, middle, high school we are opened up to new experiences, new people, teachers, and new subjects. Most things we learn about in school are to make us smarter and more capable of work in the future, but we never really learn about real-world issues that we battle within our everyday lives. We never learn about what it means to be happy, to be human and to be kind to others.

Reminding myself every day that the world is a bigger and worse place, you have to be strong and stand your ground for anybody who tries to run in your path. In younger grades I remember what it felt like to be picked on or to feel degraded by other people, it was embarrassing and I felt so much anger. I wanted to be mean back but I knew that it wouldn't make me the better person, I would just be the same as the people who hurt me. I constantly saw people getting picked on and embarrassed; standing up for bullies is sometimes easier said than done but just remember that you are always tough enough.

I was never afraid to stand up to people who were hurting people I knew and cared about. It saddened me because I understood the feeling and I never wanted anybody else to feel the same way; no matter the personality, skin color, gender, or race. When we talk about others behind their backs, not only does it make us more hypocritical but it doesn't show that we care about making the world a better place or being kinder to others. We complain EVERYDAY about how everybody in the world is so ignorant and disrespectful, our expectations for society are too high, but maybe we aren't looking at ourselves enough first. I believe we should all love each other and be respectful towards everybody we come across.

End Hate. Photo by T. Chick McClure on Unsplash

The R-word, ("retarded"), is used every single day by tons of people who don't understand/care about the meaning or the hurt behind the word. The R-word is commonly used to describe people of intellectual disability. It is used as an abusive or derogatory word to degrade or disregard another person's worth but in fact, those people may just be smarter and kinder than those who USE the word. On the R-Word website, they invite you to pledge to end the use of the word. "Spread The Word to End The Word" is their slogan and they stand by it 100%. Special Olympics is an organization that, "raises funds so that, utilizing the power of sports, we can create a world of acceptance and inclusion of all people" (SOILL). S.O teams up with The R Word which helps it all becomes more important to the community and as a whole, we stick together to SPREAD THE WORD TO END THE WORD.

In my Communications class, we were given a semester assignment to spread awareness to a topic or situation that we believe we can make a difference by. The opportunity to show leadership and bring change to the community could make a huge difference. We agree to pledge and spread acceptance to those who have intellectual disabilities because their worth is no less than ours! My group and I chose to support the R-word (and S.O.) because we also believe that "retarded" is not a proper word to use towards somebody, especially people with disability; or towards something else.

Instead of using the R-word to express emotions towards somebody, first, try thinking in a more positive light. There shouldn't be a reason to use the world, especially when you are upset. Try to consider different ways of expressing emotions in a calmer and more mature manner. If you can't help but think of the word when you are about to say it, stop yourself, rethink WHY you are even saying these things to somebody else, and try to think of more respectful things to say.

Acceptance Photo by Juan Pablo Rodriguez on Unsplash

I don't even want to give alternate words because I don't believe that anybody should be called anything offensive or hurtful, but using, "goofball," "birdbrain", "scatterbrain," "inane," or words as such could take away from some of the hurt behind the word. WORDS CAN HURT! Be kind in what you say and who you say it to. In a world that may not offer as much as we hoped, we are all still deserving of respect, love, and acceptance.

Never forget that another person worth matters too, no matter who they are!


Tuesday, November 13th in Stevenson Hall from 11:00am-3:00 pm

Thursday, November 15th in Schroeder Hall from 10:00am-2:00 pm

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