Valentine's Day parties in grade school were legit. Red Fun Dip, Blow Pops, and heart shaped Reese's were thrown out like confetti. The classroom was filled with endless amount of red and pink cupcakes and punch, and friends dropped cute valentines in your decorated shoe "mailbox" — ah, those were the days.
Now, Valentine's Day has always been a favorite holiday of mine, and no it isn't just because I like to eat candy and cupcakes, but because it's a day dedicated to share and show love.
I'm not a super mushy person, but I love love. Not the romantic kind of love, but the love that makes your heart tickle when you see a friend accomplish something big or the type of love you experience when you witness or partake in a random act of kindness. That's the best kind of love: the love that feels so natural yet brings you so much joy.
Sometimes I think people feel obligated to love on Valentine's Day. Some look at it as more of a chore rather than an instinct. But love is never something that should be viewed as a chore. It's something that people need to share more often and willingly.
Learn to love who you are and the life you live because once you do that, you'll love easier and harder. Loving people and life is such a joy. It's contagious, so although Valentine's Day rocks, learn to love everyday, not just on the days dedicated for it.