Be THAT person. Be the person to ask the lady at the drive-thru window how she is doing. You might be who she talks about when she gets home after a long day. Be the person to tell random people you like their hair or shirt. Be THAT person. Be the person to thank those who you see in uniform. They give their lives so you can have yours. Be the person to wave at other drivers on the road. Be THAT person. Be the person to smile when you make eye contact with someone, no matter who they are. Be the person to let others know you care about them. You may be who keeps them going. Be THAT person. Be the person to congratulate others on their accomplishments. Be the person to forgive more. Be the person to notice the small things about others. The small things are what count. Be THAT person. Be the person to say "good luck" and "good job". Encouragement makes other people feel cared about. Be the person to go sit with those who are sitting alone. Be the perso to reach out a hand to those who are in need. Be THAT person. Be the person to say "i'm sorry" first. Be the person to move over on the sidewalk, so other people don't have to walk in the grass to get by. Be the person to pay for someone else's meal, perhaps a complete stranger. Be THAT person.Too often, we get lost in ourselves, our own thoughts. We forget to think about others. We forget that things go on outside of our own bubbles...
Small notions of kindness go a long way. Be kind. Be humble. Be selfless. Be THAT person, because THAT person is pretty awesome!